
Startup-Verband unterstützt IGEL   Am 28. Februar 2018 - 11:29 Uhr von Tom Hirche

Akteure: Schlagworte: Lizenz: 

Das deutsche Leistungsschutzrecht für Presseverleger stellt eine Markteintrittshürde für Startups dar und verhindert damit die Umsetzung innovativer Ideen. Die Pläne zur Einführung eines EU-weiten Leistungsschutzrechts werden zu demselben Ergebnis führen und den Innovationsstandort EU massiv gefährden. Aus diesem Grund unterstützt der Bundesverband Deutsche Startups e.V. die Initiative gegen ein Leistungsschutzrecht.


Voss: "Besser etwas Falsches tun als gar nichts."   Am 22. Februar 2018 - 9:51 Uhr von Tom Hirche

Vor mittlerweile 17 Monaten hat die EU-Kommission ihren Vorschlag für eine neue Urheberrechtsrichtlinie präsentiert. Im Europäischen Parlament, genauer gesagt in dessen Rechtsausschuss, verhandelt man aber immer noch über die eigene Verhandlungsposition. In einem Interview mit Friedhelm Greis für Golem.de hat Verhandlungsführer MEP Axel Voss (EVP) gezeigt, dass er weder Argumente für ein Leistungsschutzrecht noch Ahnung vom Internet hat. Weiter

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Bulgarische Ratspräsidentschaft ignoriert Erfahrungen aus deutschem Leistungsschutzrecht   Am 11. Februar 2018 - 19:11 Uhr von Tom Hirche

Seit dem 1. Januar hat Bulgarien die Präsidentschaft im Europäischen Rat inne. Dort versucht man aktuell, sich auf eine gemeinsame Position zum Vorschlag der EU-Kommission für eine neue Urheberrechtsrichtlinie zu verständigen. Der Kompromiss, den Bulgarien nun in puncto Leistungsschutzrecht für Presseverleger vorgeschlagen hat, ist an Ignoranz kaum zu überbieten. Weiter

Neue Bundesregierung vermeidet klares Bekenntnis zu EU-Leistungsschutzrecht   Am 8. Februar 2018 - 19:55 Uhr von Tom Hirche

Lange hat es gedauert, endlich gibt es einen Koalitionsvertrag. Von einem "Leistungsschutzrecht für Presseverleger" wird darin allerdings nicht gesprochen. Stattdessen gibt es dazu nur vage Aussagen. Weiter

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EU Council is deeply split over link tax   Am 5. Februar 2018 - 0:04 Uhr von Tom Hirche

Akteure: Schlagworte: Lizenz: 

Within the EU Parliament's Legal Committee (JURI), the discussions about the Commission's proposal for a new copyright directive are still dragging on. However, with MEP Axel Voss (EVP, Germany) as the Committee's rapporteur it is very likely that the terrible idea of an ancillary copyright for press publications a.k.a. the link tax will be supported. But the situation looks completely different in the EU Council where the number of varying opinions on this topic could hardly be any larger. Weiter

Investoren warnen in offenem Brief an EU-Parlament vor Einführung eines Verlegerrechts   Am 15. Januar 2018 - 18:56 Uhr von Tom Hirche

Vergangene Woche haben sich 20 Vertreter deutscher Wagniskapitalinvestoren und Business Angels mit einem offenen Brief an die Mitglieder des Europäischen Parlaments gerichtet. Darin üben sie scharfe Kritik an den Urheberrechtsplänen der EU-Kommission, speziell am Vorschlag für ein europäisches Leistungsschutzrecht für Presseverleger. Weiter

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"Wenn das Leistungsschutzrecht kommt, wäre das Internet tot."   Am 14. Januar 2018 - 18:08 Uhr von Tom Hirche

Die Nachrichtensendung "Arte Journal" hat sich vergangenen Freitag in einem prägnanten Beitrag mit den EU-Plänen für ein Leistungsschutzrecht für Presseverleger auseinandergesetzt. Dafür wurde u.a. Dr. Till Kreutzer von IGEL interviewt. Der Beitrag ist jetzt online verfügbar. Weiter

Small publishers raise their voices against link tax   Am 4. Januar 2018 - 14:41 Uhr von Tom Hirche

A few weeks ago, several press agencies have joined the large publishing houses in their ongoing lobbying for a new neighbouring right. Carlos Astiz, Chairman of the European Innovative Media Publishers, was disappointed by this endorsement and stood once again to take a stance for the smaller publishers, content creators and journalists. Weiter

EU Commission tried to hide a study that debunks the publisher's right as ineffective   Am 3. Januar 2018 - 13:26 Uhr von Tom Hirche

What once seemed to be a single incident turned out to be a habit: Once again it has been revealed that the EU Commission tried to hide the results of a self-requested copyright-related study because the results were not suitable. This time the study is all about "Online News Aggregation and Neighbouring Rights for News Publishers". Weiter

Press agencies join the collective moaning and demand new publisher's right   Am 14. Dezember 2017 - 14:25 Uhr von Tom Hirche

Some of Europe's largest press agencies urge the EU institutions to introduce the proposed ancillary copyright for publishers plus they also want to belong to the beneficiaries. Among those agencies are the German DPA, the French AFP as well as the Spanish EFE. Weiter

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JURI members try to water down results of their own requested study   Am 8. Dezember 2017 - 16:21 Uhr von Tom Hirche

A couple of months ago, the European Parliament’s directorate general for internal policies of the union had commissioned a study on the proposed new right for publishers. After the results were published last October, they were finally presented to members of the Legal Affairs Committee yesterday. What should have been an informing workshop turned out to be yet another opportunity for the right's supporters to shut down arguments with their lies and to cause confusion. Weiter

New open letter representing a broad spectrum of stakeholders   Am 4. Dezember 2017 - 14:37 Uhr von Tom Hirche

Together with over 80 other organizations, we have co-signed an open letter to the Ministers attending the Competitiveness Council and the EU institutions last week to once again warn them of causing severe damage. Weiter

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LIBE Committee remains silent on link tax   Am 21. November 2017 - 1:00 Uhr von Tom Hirche

Today, the European Parliament's Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) has finally voted on its opinion on the Commission's proposal for a new copyright directive. While problematic provisions for mandatory content filtering have been tackled, the Committee did not take any stand when it came to the ancillary copyright for press publishers aka the link tax. Weiter

Vorschlag aus Großbritannien: Facebook und Google als Verlage behandeln   Am 18. Oktober 2017 - 11:56 Uhr von Tom Hirche

Vergangene Woche wurden Überlegungen aus Großbritannien zur Regulierung von sozialen Medien bekannt. Man denke darüber nach, Google, Facebook und Co. als Verlage einzustufen, um sie so strengeren Kontrollfpflichten zu unterwerfen. Im Interview mit dem Deutschlandfunk Kultur machte Dr. Till Kreutzer deutlich, dass er dies für den ganz falschen Schritt hält. Weiter

European Parliament's study suggests abandonment of link tax   Am 13. Oktober 2017 - 11:41 Uhr von Tom Hirche

Now that is some good news! An independent study reviewing the publisher's right a.k.a. link tax that had been requested by the European Parliament's Committee on Legal Affairs (JURI) has just been published this week. It confirms once and for all what we and others were saying for quite some time now: the link tax will be harmful and should therefore be abandoned right away. Weiter

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Oettinger: "Mir liegt das Leistungsschutzrecht sehr am Herzen"   Am 20. September 2017 - 0:22 Uhr von Tom Hirche

Anfang dieser Woche fand in Stuttgart der Jahreskongress des Bundesverbands Deutscher Zeitungsverleger (BDZV) statt. Unmittelbar davor hatten die "Stuttgarter Nachrichten" ein Interview mit EU-Kommissar Günther Oettinger veröffentlicht, das bei vielen Verlegern für Freudentränen gesorgt haben wird. Denn der Politiker hat sich mal wieder für ein europäisches Verlegerrecht stark gemacht – undifferenziert und uninformiert wie eh und je. Weiter

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The neighboring right for press publishers is a thread to Open Content and Open Access   Am 6. September 2017 - 14:37 Uhr von Till Kreutzer

Back in July, the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE) of the EU parliament suggested a few changes to the Commission's initial proposal for a new publisher's right. One of them is to remove the explicit exception for academic and scientific publications as found in recital 33 of the draft directive. This combined with the already extensive COM proposal would result in a tremendous threat to Open Content and Open Access publishing. Weiter

Vortrag: Text- und Data-Mining und Verleger-Leistungsschutzrecht – Wie die EU europäische Innovationen gefährdet   Am 6. September 2017 - 11:38 Uhr von Till Kreutzer

Datenanalysen haben gewaltiges Potenzial für die Forschung und innovative Wirtschaftszweige. Erst sie ermöglichen es, die Potenziale der Informationsgesellschaft in reales und nutzbares Wissen umzuwandeln. Weiter

Estonia's proposal is good and bad at the same time   Am 31. August 2017 - 19:01 Uhr von Tom Hirche

Summer break is over. Statewatch has leaked a compromise proposal from the Estonian Presidency of the Council of the European Union to the EU Commission's initial proposal for a directive on copyright in the Digital Single Market. When it comes to Article 11 containing the ancillary copyright for press publishers, the Presidency does not come up with only one but with two completely different proposals. Weiter

Publishers will hardly get any money, if anything   Am 30. August 2017 - 14:03 Uhr von Tom Hirche

The publishers pushing for their new right a.k.a. the link tax want to be paid first and foremost by providers of news aggregators and search engines. They demand a fee for the provider's service of linking to their publications and bringing them visitors hence money. Despite the unmatched absurdity of this idea, what numbers are we actually talking about? Weiter

ITRE deceives itself by attacking research and open access   Am 21. Juli 2017 - 17:14 Uhr von Tom Hirche

Already three out of five EP Committees have voted on their opinion on the Commission's Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market. So far it seems we are heading into a future where a European wide publisher's right will be present. One particular Committee even tries to directly attack open access publishing. Weiter

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Two more EP Committies gang up against free linking   Am 12. Juli 2017 - 11:42 Uhr von Tom Hirche

After the European Parliament's Committee on Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO) voted on its opinion on the new Copyright Directive a month ago, it were the Committees for Culture and Education (CULT - opinion) and for Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE - opinion) that both had their turns yesterday. The result: the suggestion of an even worse ancillary copyright for press publishers. Weiter

Parliament's largest group to fully endorse Commission's proposal for a link tax   Am 9. Juli 2017 - 17:47 Uhr von Tom Hirche

The European Commission's proposal for an ancillary copyright for press publishers has received a tremendous amount of criticism from many MEPs of all groups of the European Parliament. But now the largest group, the European People's Party (EPP), has adopted a joint position that fully supports the Commission's line while ignoring the European people's voices and all academic advice. Weiter

Google's design changes might soon end all lawsuits   Am 3. Juli 2017 - 23:18 Uhr von Tom Hirche

Akteure: Schlagworte: Lizenz: 

German courts have to deal with a variety of lawsuits that involve the German ancillary copyright for press publishers. But Google's design changes might bringt a sudden end. Weiter

Cheap trick shall make us think the Spanish link tax works   Am 3. Juli 2017 - 22:54 Uhr von Tom Hirche

The Spanish link tax is indeed no success story. All it "achieved" so far is the permanent shutdown of Google News Spain which led to a large drop in publishers' site views while not accumulating a single euro. Although this situation will change with the just closed deal, it first and foremost tries to shamelessly fool us into thinking that the link tax is actually working. Weiter

Ansip only believes in surveys that confirm his view   Am 2. Juli 2017 - 19:30 Uhr von Tom Hirche

The European Commission regularly makes use of surveys to gather a wide array of opinions from various stakeholders. But when the result does not meet the preconceived view, its relevance will simply be denied, as it seems. Weiter

Rogue members try to hijack LIBE Committee   Am 14. Juni 2017 - 18:29 Uhr von Tom Hirche

Almost a month ago, in mid May 2017, the draft opinion of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) on the EU-Commission's proposal for a new copyright directive has officially been published. As things just turned out, some hardliners suddenly want to amend it so that it will be strongly in favour of an ancillary copyright for press publishers. Weiter

IMCO supports link tax – several MEPs did not attend the vote   Am 8. Juni 2017 - 21:06 Uhr von Tom Hirche

This morning, the European Parliament's Committee on Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO) voted on the Copyright in the Digital Single Market directive (2016/0280(COD)) as the first of five committees. The outcome is of great significance to the other votes that are yet to come. Unfortunately, the ancillary copyright for press publishers is still very much alive. Weiter

New paper discusses publisher's right – "unnecessary and dangerous"   Am 1. Juni 2017 - 17:25 Uhr von Tom Hirche

Akteure: Schlagworte: Lizenz: 

With the support of the Computer and Communications Industry Association (CCIA), the European Policy Centre (EPC) has published a new discussion paper titled "Rewarding quality journalism or distorting the Digital Single Market? The case for and against neighbouring rights for press publishers". It is divided into an economy analysis (part I) and a legal analysis (part II). Weiter

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The "Alternative Compromise" could hardly be worse   Am 31. Mai 2017 - 20:20 Uhr von Tom Hirche

In her just published blog post, MEP Julia Reda (Greens/EFA) draws attention to the alarming developments within the Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO) Committee. Instead of joining the committee's internal negotiations, Belgian MEP Pascal Arimont (EPP) is currently gathering support for his own "Alternative Compromise Amendment on Publisher’s Right" which is the worst we have seen so far in this debate. Weiter